Before you contact us, we encourage you to take a look at our site again to see if we have already answered your question.
Please note that FMVxxxx(xxxx represents any particular model name) PCs are designed and sold only for Japan domestic market. Unless having any particular contract, Service&Support, Repair and Courier service for repair are not available while the product is outside Japan.
Please select country/region for your location, and move to the appropriate page for inquiry.
If you are not sure which region to ask, please move to the following form.
Inquiry about service & support
Fujitsu always strives to provide excellent quality customer service and support. There are helpdesks located worldwide with people eager to assist our customers.
If your LifeBook is covered by LifeBook International Limited Warranty, you can receive service and support from Fujitsu's international helpdesks located worldwide regardless of the original place of purchase.
For more detail information of internatinal repair service, click here
Note: International Helpdesk services in Americas have ended. International Limited warranty for the products purchased in Americas has ended.
Select country/region from the menu for your local helpdesk information. If you do not find your local in the menu, go to the international helpdesk.